Before Travel
Don't forget to complete a Travel Request for travel outside the State of Kansas before booking your travel in the University's online booking tool - Concur Travel, or directly with our contracted travel agency Collegiate Travel Planners (CTP). Also check out the information below about current travel restrictions, the first-time user checklist, IT Security, and International travel before you go!
Travel Restrictions
KU recognizes that faculty, staff, and students may wish to conduct academic activities in countries or regions currently categorized as high risk by the U.S. Department of State or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Under KU's University-Sponsored Travel to High-Risk Locations Policy, special provisions may be made to accommodate these needs, based on the status of the traveler and the level of risk.
High-risk locations are considered countries that are assessed by the U.S. Department of State as Level 3: Reconsider Travel or Level 4: Do Not Travel and by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as Warning Level 3: Avoid Non-Essential Travel.
For information about conducting academic work in countries with Federal travel advisories, please visit the International Affairs website.
Are You A First-Time Concur Travel User?

Concur Travel Requests
Out-of-State and International travel must have an approved Travel Request (TR) completed in Concur prior to making travel arrangements. Employees should complete their TRs no later than 14-days prior to domestic and 30-days prior to international travel.
To create a more efficient process, the University is transitioning away from using various department forms and the SSC Travel Request webform in favor of travelers creating their TRs directly in Concur. If you or your department would like to discuss and set up training on the new pre-trip Travel Request process in Concur, please email travel@ku.edu.
KU EMPLOYEE TRAVELERS: Please identify funding and gather estimated travel costs before creating their Travel Request directly in Concur (see CREATING A CONCUR TRAVEL REQUEST-for instructions and link to Concur log-in).
NON-EMPLOYEE STUDENT TRAVELERS and GRAD STUDENTS IN-BETWEEN HR APPOINTMENT or if your department has not yet transitioned to the new TR creation process, submit the following information to your SSC or department travel processor so a Concur TR can be created on your behalf:
- Name & contact info of Department Approver
- Trip Location
- Depart & Return Dates
- Personal Time - if applicable
- Trip Business Purpose
- Conference Website - if applicable
- Estimated Business Expenses (e.g., airfare, lodging, rental or taxi, per diem, registration fee, mileage, etc)
- Travel Funding
- Travel Document attachments – if applicable
This information can be provided to the SSC via the TDX Finance Service Portal, or to your department travel processor by emailing the information or emailing your department's travel authorization form to them.
The preferred method for creating a travel request is employee travelers creating it directly in Concur. Please only use the TDX Finance Service Portal if you are an non-employee students or if your SSC has instructed you to still use the Portal at this time.
As needed please reference the Travel Policy & Procedure page for KU, KU Office of Research, and KU Endowment policy guidance on travel.

Booking Upon TR Approval

IT Security When Traveling

Are You Traveling Internationally?