Travel Policy & Procedure
Welcome to the Travel Policy & Procedure Information Center for University of Kansas employees. This page is your one-stop location for the latest information on the University of Kansas, KU Center for Research, and KU Endowment travel policies, procedures, and resources to help guide you as you make your travel arrangements.
For Travel Policy & Procedure Questions & Contact Info:
For KU State funded (UKANS) travel policy questions
Email: payables@ku.edu l Phone: 785-864-5800
Address: Carruth O'Leary Hall
1246 W Campus Rd, Lawrence, KS 66045
For KUCR Research funded (KURES) travel policy questions
Email: kuresaccounting-l@lists.ku.edu l Phone: 785-864-3441
Address: Youngberg Hall
2385 Irving Hill Road, Lawrence, KS 66045
For KU Endowment funded (KUEA) travel policy questions
Visit KU Endowment's KU Faculty & Staff site.
Address: KU Endowment
1891 Constant Ave, Lawrence, KS 66045
For KU State funded (UKANS) travel policy questions
Email: payables@ku.edu l Phone: 785-864-5800
Address: Carruth O'Leary Hall
1246 W Campus Rd, Lawrence, KS 66045
For KUCR Research funded (KURES) travel policy questions
Email: kuresaccounting-l@lists.ku.edu l Phone: 785-864-3441
Address: Youngberg Hall
2385 Irving Hill Road, Lawrence, KS 66045
For KU Endowment funded (KUEA) travel policy questions
Visit KU Endowment's KU Faculty & Staff site.
Address: KU Endowment
1891 Constant Ave, Lawrence, KS 66045
University, Research, and Endowment Travel Policy
- Travel Request and Booking Policy » Select to follow link
- Official University Business Travel Policy » Select to follow link
- University-Sponsored Travel to High Risk Locations Policy » Select to follow link
- University-Affiliated Student International Travel Policy Select to follow link
- KU Travel Policy Handbook (docx) Select to follow link
- KU Center for Research Travel Policies » Select to follow link
- KU Endowment Fund Admin & Use Handbook » Select to follow link
- Travel Expense Allowability by Funding » Select to follow link
Travel Guidance by Expense Type:
Please note: Travelers are not to create their own Expense Reports in Concur. They are to submit their trip documentation and request for reimbursement to their assigned SSC/LSI/ISPR support staff so the report can be processed in Concur on their behalf.
Allowable Travel Expenses
The below air travel guidance applies to all travel regardless of funding source.
- Preferred method of purchasing airfare is with a KU or KUCR P-Card in the traveler’s name, either online using Concur Travel or through our contracted travel agency Corporate Travel Planners (CTP). Apply for a KU or KUCR P-card by completing the P-Card application in TeamDynamix (TDX).
- Airfare can be purchased with a personal credit card. However, the traveler cannot be reimbursed for the airfare until the travel is complete.
- Schedule most economical and direct route. Generally, these would most likely be economy class tickets. Otherwise, the traveler must provide a statement on the reimbursement identifying the class of travel purchased and if the class is other than tourist or economy airfare the traveler must deduct the amount equal to the excess over the cost of these fares. However, if there are no tourist or economy flights available that meet the traveler's schedule, the traveler can submit a statement, signed by the travel agent, certifying that no "regular" accommodations were available. This statement must accompany the reimbursement upon which the fare is claimed.
- First class airfare or above is not permitted and will not be paid or reimbursed.
- On flight segments of four hours or more, the traveler may opt for an extended leg room seat (KUCR -must meet Uniform Guidance rules for acceptability).
- Early Boarding is not allowable with KU or KUCR funds and only allowable with KUEA funds when acceptable business justification is given.
- Ticket receipt and itinerary must be submitted with travel expense report.
- Change or cancellation allowed according to circumstances, for business purpose only. As of March 2020, non-refundable travel costs and travel cancellation fees for travel canceled due to public health concerns related to the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) are allowable on sponsored projects, as long as planned travel was allowable on the project; and appropriate documentation is provided to show an attempt to obtain refund.
- For a Saturday stay-over the traveler is responsible for documenting fare savings. Additional lodging charges, per diem and other expenses will be reimbursed only up to the amount of the savings on the airfare.
- Consultants are not eligible to charge airfare but may request reimbursement. Before leaving, review the requirements of the TSA: Secure Flight Program at the Transportation Security Administration federal website.
- Future University employees traveling before their start date are reimbursed following employee reimbursement procedures.
- Exception: Tickets purchased with frequent flyer miles, as well as airline club membership fees are not reimbursable.
The below baggage handling guidance applies to all travel regardless of funding source.
- Reasonable airline charges for checked bags are reimbursed, 1 or 2 bags are considered reasonable.
- Physically disabled travelers may claim reimbursement for special assistance such as gratuities to baggage handlers.
- Tips are not allowed except when required for a disabled traveler or special circumstances.
- Cost of transporting equipment and supplies directly related to project activities is reimbursed if valid business purpose is documented.
The below car & other vehicle rental guidance applies to all travel regardless of funding source.
- Rental vehicles are allowable if other transportation is not available or is too costly. Employees are to use the most economical rental vehicle that adequately fulfills the needs of the traveler.
- Vehicle size is to be determined by the number of travelers and use (i.e. transporting equipment). Mid-size vehicle is recommended.
- Sharing of vehicles is encouraged if multiple travelers from KU are traveling to the same destination.
- Car rentals must be booked using the mandatory contract for Enterprise Rent-A-Car or National Car Rental (see Enterprise & National Car Rental Program Information in the Other Travel Policies and Procedure Guidance section below for more details). Our contracted rates with Enterprise/National have been loaded into the Concur Travel system and include Collision Damage Waiver (CDW), so travelers should decline additional insurance unless they are renting a vehicle internationally.
- CDW or Fee for waiver of physical damage to rental vehicle is an allowable cost for all funding sources. No insurance charges will be reimbursed.
- If travelers rent a vehicle from another rental company due to Enterprise/National unavailability, the University requires that you purchase Collision or Lost Damage Waiver coverage. Only in these circumstances is CDW or its equivalent paid or reimbursed. No other insurance or coverage will be reimbursed, unless renting internationally.
- While renting a vehicle for University business, drivers and their passengers are covered under KU's liability insurance.
- Travelers are strongly encouraged to use a University issued Procurement Card (P-Card) when paying for car rentals. This ensures the transaction is exempt from Kansas Sales Tax and prevents travelers from having to request reimbursement. When travelers pay for travel expenses out of pocket, they cannot be reimbursed until after the travel is complete.
- Exception: Rentals paid with car rental points, coupons, or loyalty programs will not be reimbursed.
Documentation required: Vehicles must be for official business use only.
- Rental agreement/Receipt
- Copy of travel itinerary
For KUCR funded travel:
- Cash advances are available for KUCR funded travel only and will be issued no more than 30 days prior to the trip.
- Expenses related to cash advances shall be documented with unspent amounts returned within 30 days of the date the expense is incurred. Unsubstantiated expenses and un-returned cash advances are reported as compensation and are subject to income taxes in accordance with IRS code.
- Exception: Non-KU employees are not eligible for cash advances.
- Note: Arrange for prepayments whenever possible to reduce the amount of cash advance.
For KU & KUEA funded travel:
- Cash advances are not allowed on KU or KUEA funds.
- KU & KUEA funded travel expenses for KU employees, with the exception of meals, can be paid for in advance and while traveling using a KU or Declining Balance P-card.
The below currency conversion guidance applies to all travel regardless of funding source.
- Please translate foreign receipts into English if possible.
- Convert to U.S. dollars on travel report. Use rates applicable on the date of expense.
Document currency conversion calculation with receipts or credit card statement.
The below fuel guidance applies to all travel regardless of funding source.
- Fuel expenses are allowable for State vehicles or rental vehicles used for business purpose only.
Fuel for personal vehicles is not reimbursed on top of mileage rate reimbursement.
For KUCR funded travel:
- Expenditures will be reimbursed at the rate for one person. If multiple business travelers share accommodations, the actual cost will be split between them. (See Hotel/Lodging Rates & Payments for guidance on KUCR rate and payment information.)
- Tips to maids, porters, doormen, and bellhops are included in the meals and incidentals expense (M&IE), and are not reimbursed separately.
For KUEA funded travel:
- Expenditures will be reimbursed at the rate for one person. (See Hotel/Lodging Rates & Payments for guidance on KUEA rate and payment information.)
- Reasonable tips to maids, porters, doormen, and bellhops are reimbursable.
For KU funded travel:
- Lodging expenses will be reimbursed or paid at the rate for one person and include charges for all lodging associated taxes and fees.
- Taxes associated with lodging are not considered as part of the Federal lodging limit and may be reimbursed in addition to the maximum amount established. (See Hotel/Lodging Rates & Payments for guidance on KU lodging rate and payment information.)
- Tips to maids, porters, doormen, and bellhops are included in the meals and incidentals expense (M&IE), and are not reimbursed separately.
All travel funds:
- Employees are not required to share rooms. However, if employees share rooms one traveler may be reimbursed for the entire room. The reimbursement reports for those staying in the room must be cross referenced.
- Except in situations where the travelers opt to share a room, travelers are not allowed to use personal funds and pay the lodging expenses of other employee travelers and seek reimbursement. This does not apply to payment with the P-card.
- Employees may be reimbursed for the lodging expenses of non-employee students. Reimbursement is based on actual receipts with the same limits imposed upon employees.
- Student employees traveling on official business are to submit their expenses in the same manner as other employees.
Not reimbursable:
- In-room movies and room service are personal expenses, which are covered by meal per diem.
- "No show" charges will not be reimbursed except for emergency situations not controlled by the traveler.
- If traveler is accompanied by spouse or non-business traveling partner, costs in excess of single room rate will not be reimbursed to traveler.
- No lodging will be reimbursed while travelers are on personal time and not on official business. Lodging expenses are not be paid or reimbursed if:
- Expenses are incurred because the traveler resides outside the city of the official station
- Travel occurred within 30 miles of the official station
- Lodging was provided at no cost to the traveler
- The traveler does not use the most economical or advantageous mode of transportation causing travel time to be extended beyond what is usual and customary.
For KUCR & KUEA funded travel:
- Reasonable actual hotel rates are allowable.
- For KUCR, advanced written justification is required for lodging in excess of $200 per night, unless the traveler is staying at the conference hotel.
For KU funded travel:
- For travel within the United States, US territories, and US possessions, the Federal CONUS (Contiguous United States) and OCONUS (Outside Contiguous States) rates are used for determining allowable lodging limits.
- For international locations, the US Department of State (DOS) is the source for allowable lodging limits.
- Except for international, these limits are before taxes.
- Except for international, associated lodging taxes may be paid in addition to these maximum rates. The international rate includes associated taxes.
- An amount up to additional 50% of the CONUS, OCONUS, and DOS rate be paid with justification.
- Amounts exceeding 150% of the established limits may be paid under the actual conference lodging provision. However, conference materials and rates must be included with the payment or reimbursement documentation.
To find KU funded lodging per diem rate limits by location:
To look up lodging per diem rates for Continental United States, visit the Federal CONUS site.
- Rates published each October 1.
To look up lodging per diem rates for Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Territories, visit the Department of Defense OCONUS site.
- Rates published each October 1 for travel occurring between October 1 and March 31.
- Rates published each April 1 for travel occurring between April 1 and September 30.
To look up lodging per diem rates for Foreign destinations, visit the U.S. Department of State Foreign Per Diem Rates site.
- Rates published each October 1 for travel occurring between October 1 and March 31.
- Rates published each April 1 for travel occurring between April 1 and September 30.
All travel funds:
- In certain situations, the cost of the conference lodging may exceed the amount normally allowed. For KUCR funded travel, the actual amount can be paid in these instances provided it has been entered in the Concur expense report and approved. For KU funded travel, the excess lodging form is filled out and attached to Concur expense reports.
- The expense must have an attached copy of conference materials indicating that the conference will be held at or in connection with a lodging establishment with rates exceeding the state rates.
- If the conference is not held at or in connection with the lodging establishment, the requested amount will not be paid.
- Submission of this request does not imply or guarantee the requested difference will be approved by KU or KUCR audit. If the requested amount is not paid, KUEA funds may be required for the difference.
See Hotel/Lodging Payment for payment and pre-approval information.
All travel funds:
- Hotel/lodging paid for with a personal card cannot be reimbursed until after the traveler returns from the trip.
All travel funds:
- Direct payment of lodging is allowed on KU and KUCR P-cards.
- Pre-payment or advanced payment is permitted on KU and KUCR P-cards.
Lodging rules/guidance to be aware of:
- Prior to checkout, travelers must personally pay all charges for meals, room services, personal phone calls, movies, laundry, and any other personal charge. These items cannot be paid for with a P-card.
- Anyone pre-paying lodging must be thoroughly familiar with cancellation and refund policies. If the traveler cannot go, the department is responsible for any cancellation fees and unrefunded amounts. Project funds cannot be used to pay for cancellation fees and unrefunded amounts.
- Regardless of funding, travelers choosing Airbnb, Vrbo, and similar property rentals need to perform a cost analysis and safety analysis of the accommodation and obtain pre-approval.
- Cost Analysis
- Comparison of total cost of property rental vs. hotel options on Concur site . The total cost includes per night charge as well as any additional fees (e.g. cleaning fees, booking fees, etc.)
- Refund policy for both options
- Consideration of location of rental property vs. hotel to where traveler will be working. Does the rental property location create more commuting expenses, including parking fees?
- Safety Requirements – KU has a requirement to provide duty of care to all employees traveling regardless of how travel is paid
- Verification that the alternative lodging selected includes standard safety equipment that would be present in hotel (e.g., smoke and carbon monoxide detectors) – safety equipment is typically listed on property rental posting
- Public liability insurance. Airbnb & VRBO have public liability insurance as a part of the hosting agreement. This is a requirement, if considering another option
- Rental of entire property, not just a room.
- Cost Analysis
Send the cost analysis and proof of safety requirements and link to the property available to Katrina Yoakum (kyoakum@ku.edu) for approval using UKANS or KUEA funds or Karen Schaller (kschaller@ku.edu) for approval using KURES funds. Submit a copy of the approval with the receipt for processing.
For KU & KUCR funded travel:
- Preferred method for KU and KUCR funded travel meal reimbursements is Meal and Incidental (M&IE) per diem.
- Large groups traveling together may opt to claim actual expenses in lieu of per diem. Actual expenses are also allowable if required by external sponsor. However, the reimbursement for actual expenses may not exceed the per diem allowance.
- Only allowable expenses will be reimbursed.
- Itemized receipts are required for actual meal reimbursements.
- Traveler may not mix per diem allowance and actual meal expenses on the same trip.
For KUEA funded travel if submitted directly to KUEA via IFAS:
- Travelers are reimbursed for reasonable actual meal expenses.
- Itemized receipts are required
NOTE - KUEA funded travel processed through Concur will follow KU travel policy and usage of M&IE per diem.
For KU & KUCR funded travel:
- The M&IE or Meal and incidentals per diem allowance is used to calculate meal and tip reimbursements for standard business travel.
- Exception: Meals furnished to a group and paid by the traveler require documentation that includes the business purpose of the meal, names and business relationship of attendees, and an itemized receipt. Gratuity charges for group business meals must be documented on the receipt.
- Meal and incidentals expenses (M&IE) include all charges for meals, taxes, meal tips, associated fees, and hotel tips (baggage, porters, housekeeping, etc.).
- Reimbursement will be based on quarter day increments while in travel status. Travelers are entitled to the quarter they depart as well as the quarter they return. The quarters of each day are noted below:
Quarter 1 = 12:00 a.m. - 5:59 a.m.
Quarter 2 = 6:00 a.m. - 11:59 a.m.
Quarter 3 = 12:00 p.m. - 5:59 p.m.
Quarter 4 = 6:00 p.m. - 11:59 p.m.
- For travel within the United States, US territories, and US possessions, the Federal CONUS (Contiguous United States) and OCONUS (Outside Contiguous States) rates are used for determining daily allowable M&IE limits.
- For international locations, the US Department of State (DOS) is the source for daily allowable M&IE limits.
- If meals are provided during a given travel day, the traveler’s M&IE reimbursement is reduced by the amount of the meal that was provided, based on 15%, 35% or 50% (breakfast, lunch or dinner) of the daily M & IE rate. For partial days, the quarter amount is calculated first and then the meal deduction is applied.
To find KU & KUCR funded M&IE per diem rate limits by location:
To look up M&IE per diem rates for Continental United States, visit the Federal CONUS site.
- Rates published each October 1.
To look up M&IE per diem rates for Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Territories, visit the Department of Defense OCONUS site.
- Rates published each October 1 for travel occurring between October 1 and March 31.
- Rates published each April 1 for travel occurring between April 1 and September 30.
To look up M&IE per diem rates for Foreign destinations, visit the U.S. Department of State Foreign Per Diem Rates site.
- Rates published each October 1 for travel occurring between October 1 and March 31.
- Rates published each April 1 for travel occurring between April 1 and September 30.
Additional KU & KUCR travel funded M&IE per diem information:
- No receipts are required, and there is no provision to reimburse the employee the actual cost if the meal exceeds the per meal allowance rate.
- Meals provided in the conference fee or by third parties will be subtracted from the M&IE per diem claimed.
- If all meals are provided for a day, the reduction to the M&IE rate will be 100%, and there will be no allowance for incidentals expense reimbursed to the traveler.
- Traveling to or from restaurants is considered personal travel, and the transportation will not be paid or reimbursed.
- Additional per diem compensation received due to "bumped" air flight or other situations outside the control of the traveler must be reported.
- For KUCR funded travel, any deviation from standard per diem rates must be approved by KUCR in advance of the travel and be in compliance with the sponsor’s regulations. Requests for exceptions should be directed to the appropriate Post-Award grant officer.
For all travel funds:
- Departments may allow employees one meal on same-day trips provided the travel is more than 30 miles from traveler's workstation AND exceeds 3 hours beyond the travelers typical scheduled work day (i.e.11 hours if you work a typical 8 hour day).
- Each reimbursement must identify the date, departure time, arrival time, destination, trip purpose and meal requested.
- No receipts are required.
- If the actual cost of the meal exceeds the reimbursement amount, the difference is not reimbursed. One breakfast, lunch or dinner may be reimbursed based on 15%, 35% or 50% (breakfast, lunch or dinner) of the daily M&IE rate.
The below meeting, seminar and conference fee guidance applies to all travel regardless of funding source.
- Registration fees paid for admittance, attendance, or participation in seminars, conferences, or other meetings are reimbursable.
- The meeting, seminar, or conference agenda is required documentation for the report of travel expenditures.
- The official receipt should be submitted with the travel claim form for reimbursement subject to the following:
- Registration fees paid to obtain personal membership or other personal benefits from an organization are not reimbursable. Memberships in organizations must be in the name of the state agency. However, that is not always possible for every type of membership. Memberships for employees where the employee’s membership in an organization is a benefit to the University must use the employee’s University address.
- Registration fees may be paid by the employee and claimed for reimbursement on the employee's travel expense report or paid directly to the organization using a P-card. Payments directly to the organization should designate: (1) the name of the person attending; (2) the date(s) and place of the event; and (3) the total number of each type of meal included in the registration fee (i.e. number of breakfasts, lunches, or dinners). If no meals are included, it should state “No meals included in the registration fee”. In cases where the cost of meals is included in the cost of registration fees or provided at no cost to the traveler, the meal allowance amount must be reduced as described in the “Meals and Tips” section.
- In limited exceptional circumstances, the registration fee may be reimbursed without the official receipt by entering the justification on the travel expense report explaining why the official receipt is unavailable and a statement that the claim represents a true and actual claim in accordance with current travel policies and procedures. In addition, the justification should designate: (1) the date(s) and place of the event; and (2) the total number of each type of meal included in the registration fee (i.e. number of breakfasts, lunches, or dinners). If no meals are included, the travel expense report should state “No meals included in the registration fee.” The justification must be signed, not stamped, by department’s travel approver.
The below mileage guidance applies to all travel regardless of funding source.
- Mileage is reimbursed at the rate in effect on the dates of travel based on funding type: IRS Business use mileage rate for KUCR and KUEA funded travel and State of KS Private Vehicle Mileage rate for KU funded travel.
- Mileage reimbursement is based on the shortest available route unless other documentation is provided which supports an acceptable alternate route.
- The mileage reimbursement rate is considered to cover all associated costs with the use of a personal vehicle including fuel, oil, tires, insurance, deductibles, uninsured losses, and other vehicle related expenses.
- Standard mileage reimbursement to/from Lawrence, KS and the Kansas City airport (MCI) is reimbursed at 55 miles each way.
- If another mode of transportation is available and is less costly than transportation by personal vehicle, then mileage reimbursement is limited to the cost of the other mode of transportation.
- A department may pay a less than the established mileage rate when the travel is not required and the traveler is informed of the rate in advance
- Mileage to and from the workplace from the traveler's residence will not be reimbursed. See "Point of Departure" below.
Mileage vs. Airfare: If a personal vehicle is used in lieu of air travel, the reimbursement for mileage, per diem, lodging and other expenses resulting from the additional travel time will be compared to the cost of air travel. The lesser option is the maximum amount reimbursable. Traveler is responsible for documenting comparable airfare costs based on 14-day advance purchase plus other expenses pertinent to air travel.
The below passport and visa guidance applies to all travel regardless of funding source.
Allowable if necessary for completion of the business purpose of the trip.
For all travel funds:
- Telephone, internet, and other communications charges will be reimbursed for business purposes only.
- Exception: Telephone card expenses are not reimbursed.
For KU funded travel:
- Cell phone usage may only be reimbursed to employees in the Group 1 plan traveling internationally where the calls for official business cause the employee to exceed the plan’s allotment of minutes.
- Employees in cell phone Group 2 or other travelers not in Group 1 will not be reimbursed for cell phone usage.
The below parking, taxi, shuttle, bus and subway guidance applies to all travel regardless of funding source.
- During official business travel time, to business or meeting locations only.
- Not allowable to/from restaurants when claiming meal per diems.
- Obtain receipt if possible.
- Tips allowable for taxi and airport shuttles.
The below turnpike and bridge toll guidance applies to all travel regardless of funding source.
- During official business travel time only.
- Identify toll location on travel report.
- With the KTAG program, receipt requirements are no longer appropriate, or practical, in all cases. Obtain receipt if possible.
Please visit the Kansas Turnpike Authority (KTA) Cashless Tolling webpage for information about cashless tolling and the link to see and pay KTA tolls online when a personal vehicle is driven for KU business. Note, after Enterprise receives a rental car toll bill from KTA they will charge the KTA toll amount plus a $4.95 service fee to the card used for that vehicle rental. This fee is consider as part of the cost of renting a vehicle and therefore an allowable expense on KU funded and KUCR grant-funded travel.
Unallowable Travel Expenses
Reimbursement or payment for alcohol is an unallowable travel expense on KU and KUCR funds. KUEA will not reimburse for the purchase of alcohol at business meals in which only University staff participate.
Please review the KU Food and Beverage Purchases Policy and KU Reimbursement of Entertainment Expenses Policy for additional information.
For all travel funds: Checking cashing fees are considered a personal expense and are unallowable regardless of funding source.
For all travel funds: Entertainment costs are considered a personal expense and are unallowable regardless of funding source.
For all travel funds: The driver is personally responsible for traffic and parking violations, as well as fines or towing fees related to violations. These fines and fees are unallowable travel expenses regardless of funding source.
For all travel funds: Fees for personal insurance, such as personal liability, personal effects coverage, life insurance, etc. are not reimbursable. University of Kansas employees traveling on KU or KUCR authorized business are automatically covered by KU's travel insurance policy which includes life insurance, medical evacuation and repatriation. For policy on rental vehicle insurance, see "Car & Other Vehicle Rental.” Travel or Trip Protector/Flight Cancelation Insurance is a personal expense and not allowable for reimbursement.
For all travel funds: The per diem allowance covers this expense. Exception: Reasonable laundry expenses for extended travel (over seven days) when using KUCR or KUEA funds.
For all travel funds: Gifts are personal expenses and are unallowable expenses regardless of funding source.
For all travel funds: Traveler is responsible for identifying and separating personal costs from business costs. Exception: Reimbursable if there is a documented business purpose for partner to travel.
For all travel funds: Traveler needs to file claim with personal insurer, hotel or carrier for theft, damage or loss to personal effects.
Other Travel Policies and Procedure Guidance
The below travel authorization and request guidance applies to all travel regardless of funding source.
- All University travel must be authorized/approved by the appropriate department or funding approver prior to departure.
- Out-of-state and international university travel must have an approved Concur Travel Request completed in Concur 14 days prior to domestic travel and 30 days prior to international travel, this includes travel paid for by external sources. The only exception is when border city travel only incurs mileage, tolls and parking expenses, in which case a Concur Travel Request is not required.
- A Concur Travel Request is not required for in-state travel.
The below border city travel guidance applies to all travel regardless of funding source.
- A Concur Travel Request is required for all border city travel, when an overnight stay is incurred.
- Single day trips consisting of only mileage, tolls, parking, or registrations do not require a travel request.
1. An employee picks up a speaker from the Kansas City International Airport and submits a reimbursement for mileage and parking—No travel request is required.
2. An employee attends a conference in Kansas City, MO and stays overnight. Travel Request is required.
The below travel agency and booking guidance applies to all travel regardless of funding source.
- The University has a contract with Collegiate Travel Planners (CTP). Their system is connected to our Concur Travel booking tool.
- The KU Travel Request and Booking policy states that when booking University travel for yourself, or on behalf of someone else traveling for University business, you are required to use the University-contracted travel management service (i.e. either online through or connected to Concur Travel or by contacting Collegiate Travel Planners (CTP) directly).
- This will ensure travel visibility for Duty of Care purposes so the University can quickly identify when travelers are in risk situations or locations and will provide travelers with travel agency support if issues arise before or during travel.
Exception: Conference hotel bookings can be done directly with the hotel to take advantage of negotiated conference rates. Please utilize either the direct TripLink connection or the TripIt product when booking outside of Concur/CTP so an electronic Reservation is created in Concur for your travel.
The below use of personal funds guidance applies to all travel regardless of funding source.
- Travelers are expected to provide themselves with sufficient travel funds.
- Travelers are not allowed to use personal funds to pay for travel expenses of others, with the exception of employees paying for non-employee students.
- Travelers who use personal funds to pay for other travelers will not be reimbursed for those expenses.
- This does not apply to using the Procurement Card (P-card) to pay for appropriate expenses of other employees. The P-card is considered a direct purchase by the University.
- Travelers using personal funds to pay for their university travel expenses will not be reimbursed until the completion of the trip.
The below personal time mixed w/ business travel guidance applies to all travel regardless of funding source.
- Traveler is required to document a business purpose for the trip and verify which days are personal and which days are dedicated to business purposes.
- If personal days exceed business days, the cost of transportation will be treated as a personal expense and will not be reimbursed, per IRS regulations. Per diem, lodging, local transportation, and other costs will be reimbursed for business days only.
For KUCR funded travel:
- Itemized receipts are required for reimbursement of all purchases of project supplies regardless of the cost.
- For lodging and transportation expenses, receipts are only required when the item needing reimbursement exceeds $50 and is not covered by per diem.
- Traveler must document the date, place and business purpose of the expense if a receipt is not submitted with the travel report.
- If a credit card is used, include the itemized receipt with expense documentation.
For KU funded travel:
- Itemized receipts are required for all reimbursements, except for meals covered by per diem, local transportation charges, unattended parking meters, and unattended toll booths.
- If a credit card is used, include the itemized receipt with expense documentation.
For KUEA funded travel:
- Itemized receipts are required. Exception: It is allowable to recreate receipts under $75 if one cannot be obtained.
For KUCR funded travel: If departure date is a weekend or holiday, the point of departure will normally be the traveler's residence. If departure date is during the traveler's normal workday, the initial point of departure will be the traveler's regular place of employment.
For KU funded travel: The lessor of one's official workstation or home is reimbursed unless the traveler is leaving from their workstation. Weekends and holidays have no effect on point of departure.
The below travel expense submission guidance applies to all travel regardless of funding source.
- Traveler is required to submit and substantiate travel expenses within 60 days of the date of travel or travel will be treated as taxable benefit. See “Taxability of Reimbursed Expenses” for more details.
- Requests for travel reimbursement submitted more than 90 days after date of travel or after the end date of a sponsored agreement may be denied. KUCR’s Cost Accounting Policy requires that all travel on sponsored projects be reviewed to ensure allowability under sponsor guidelines.
- Submission of a travel report for reimbursement indicates travel is necessary and applicable to the traveler’s university position or to the sponsored project’s scope of work.
The below taxability of reimbursed expenses guidance applies to all travel regardless of funding source.
- The University of Kansas reimburses travelers under an accountable plan. This means all travel expenses must have a business connection, and all expenses for reimbursement must be submitted by the traveler within a reasonable period of time, which has been defined by the Internal Revenue Service as 60 days from the end of travel.
- Travel expense reports submitted more than 60 days from the traveler’s return date will be processed as a taxable reimbursement to the traveler. Required federal and state tax withholdings related to the reimbursement (e.g., federal and state income tax withholdings, FICA, etc.) will be deducted from a future paycheck.
For all travel funds: The University of Kansas does not recommend or require travel to countries on the U.S. State Department warning list. If the traveler feels there trip is necessary, travel may occur with proper waivers completed per KU International Affairs: Travel to High Risk Locations policy.
Review KU International Affairs: Travel to High-Risk Locations webpage for information about travel advisories and the related forms, registry and KU travel insurance for employees traveling abroad.
Review the KU International Affairs: International Travel Resources for Faculty and Staff webpage for information for faculty and staff travel to International locations.
Review the KU International Affairs: International Travel Resources for Students webpage for information about student travel to International locations.
Review KU International Affairs: International Programs Travel Funds webpage for information about receiving a grant from International Programs for faculty travel for research abroad and for presenting a paper at an international conference.
Review KU International Affairs: International Travel Fund for Humanities Research webpage for information about receiving a grant from International Programs for faculty travel for KU faculty pursuing international humanities research abroad.
Visit the State of Kansas: Business Travel Cards site to learn more about their personal VISA credit cards issued by UMB Bank to employees of the State of Kansas. Please note, this credit card is different from the KU or KUCR P-card available to KU employees.
The below authorized passengers in state vehicles guidance applies to all travel regardless of funding source.
- In compliance with state rules and regulations, “only state employees and persons reasonably engaged in official state business are allowed to ride in a state vehicle.”
- Family members and friends of employees may not ride in state vehicles.
- Pets are not to be transported in state vehicles.
- If a student is a state employee, the student may drive a state vehicle to perform assigned official state business functions for which the renting department has hired the student.
This Mileage Reimbursement vs Rental Calculator (xls) spreadsheet will help you determine if it is more cost effective to drive a personal vehicle or get a rental car.
The use of the University of Kansas' rental car program with Enterprise Holdings, Inc (Enterprise Rent-A-Car or National Car Rental) is mandatory for all travelers regardless of funding, unless documentation is provided verifying that they could not meet your business needs.
If you need assistance from Enterprise Rent-A-Car, please contact Brian T. Crockwell: brian.t.crockwell@ehi.com.
Here are the benefits to our KU travelers:
- Program is now a Nationwide Program offering pricing at all Enterprise Rent-A-Car and National Car Rental locations nationwide.
- Enterprise Rent-A-Car & National Car Rental has the largest fleet of vehicles in the US as well as the most locations.
- Pricing includes Collision Damage Waiver-meaning if damage happens to the rental car you will not need to file a claim with VISA it will be covered through Enterprise Rent-A-Car/National Car Rental.
- University business vehicle rental reservations should be made directly in Concur Travel. Our contract, which includes our special rates and CDW, is configured into the Concur system. If you need our university business account code to rent a pick-up truck or passenger van directly from Enterprise, please email travel@ku.edu.
- Personal/leisure vehicle rentals are reserved directly on either the National or Enterprise website using our leisure account code XZ05401. This does not include insurance coverage and you must present your KU ID to prove your affiliation with KU.
- National Car Rental locations are primarily at airports nationwide.
- Enterprise Rent-A-Car has locations nationwide in the neighborhoods and at airports.
- Emerald Club – Number 1 Loyalty Program in the Industry. Emerald Club can be used at both Enterprise and National Car Rental. Emerald Club is free to all customers.
- Receive Emerald Club Benefits when renting from National Car Rental.
- Counter bypass with Emerald Club Membership.
- With Emerald Aisle you to reserve the Midsize vehicle and get upgraded with a nicer larger vehicle.
- Vehicle Choice-You will get to choose your vehicle of choice which in many instances is a larger vehicle than the reserved midsize vehicle.
- Fast and Efficient Transaction Time.
- Free Upgrades.
- Drop & Go-when returning your vehicle, you can just pull up to the return lane and head to the airport you don’t have to wait for anyone to check you in.
- Receive receipts via email. Sign up for this when enrolling with Emerald Club.
- Free Rental Days.
- Arrival and Return Alerts.
- Status Matching-If you currently are in a loyalty program with someone else, we will status match you into a comparable level of Emerald Club.
- Emerald Club members can earn points when renting from Enterprise Rent-A-Car. At this time, the days would need to be used at National Car Rental.
- Savings in renting vehicles from Enterprise Rent-A-Car instead of reimbursing employee's mileage to drive their own vehicle.
KU Employees -- Be sure to sign up for Emerald Club account, which can be used for both Enterprise and National Car Rental. Don't forget, counter bypass, Emerald Aisle access, reward credits, upgrades, email alerts, and Drop & Go with email receipts are just a few of the benefits.
Emerald Aisle Easy as 1-2-3
- Reserve and Pay for a Midsize Car
- Bypass the Counter
- Choose any Emerald Aisle Car and Go
The following Enterprise-National PDF reference guides are available upon request. Please send requests to Travel Services at travel@ku.edu.
- KU Rental Car Program FAQ's
- Enterprise-National FAQ's
- Enterprise-National Car Rental Program Guide
- Enterprise Car Rental Program Summary
- National Car Rental Program Summary
Contact Information
Enterprise Rent-A-Car Lawrence, KS
2957 Four Wheel Dr.
Lawrence, KS 66047
When calling the local office, you will hear a recorded message. Please press ** to be connected directly to the Lawrence Branch office. Failure to do so, you will be directed to a call center in Tulsa that doesn't know about our program.
Branch Manager: Jacob Crawshaw
Email: Jacob.Crawshaw@ehi.com
Assistant Branch Manager: Annie Freeman
Email: Annie.Freeman@ehi.com
Business Rental Sales Executive: Brian T. Crockwell
Email: brian.t.crockwell@ehi.com
Review the KU Rental Vehicle Occupancy and Insurance Coverage Policy for occupancy and insurance protocols for vehicles rented for the conducting of university business.
Review the KU Use of Automobiles Policy for instruction for using automobiles in the course of University business.